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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Stories for Summer and Days by the Pool – a new book from British Library Publishing

Stories for Summer and Days by the Pool

The British Library is releasing a new book in its Women Writers series on 20th June.  This volume is called Stories for Summer and Days by the Pool.  The aim of this series is to bring you stories about women whose writing originally appeared in books and magazines in the twentieth century. 

Stories for Summer - index

Stories for Summer includes 15 short stories by wonderful writers, including Katherine Mansfield, Muriel Spark, Elizabeth Taylor, Virginia Woolf and our own Daphne du Maurier, with her story The Pool.  

This is a super book for lazy summer days, whether you are away on holiday or relaxing at home in the sunshine (fingers crossed!).

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