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The Top Ten Books That Feature a Love Triangle

Rebecca - Everyman's edition

An image of the Everyman's Library edition of Rebecca, one of the books in the list of the top ten books that feature a love triangle

Paste Magazine is an American digital magazine that provides an excellent source for reviews, features, lists, and news about books, music, shows, games, and much more.

This week, they have produced a list of the top ten books that feature a love triangle.  The list and accompanying article were written by Anna McKibbin and posted online on 19th June.  Books in the list include older titles such as Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (1814) and  War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, which was published in serial form in 1865 and then revised and published as a book in 1869.  There are twentieth-century novels as diverse as A Room With View by E.M. Forster (1908) and Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding (1996).  The most modern books on the list are Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie (2013) and Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters (2021).  But best of all, at the mid-point of the list is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (1938).

Here is some of what Anna McKibbin had to say about Rebecca:

You may see this and wonder: can this story really be considered a love triangle, with one-third of the parties involved dead?  But du Maurier fully commits to this concept, letting the tension of the story’s romance bleed into the novel’s Gothic tendencies.  Both require a taut control of tension and atmosphere.  In some ways, du Maurier captures something true about all relationships that the spector of old flames hangs over everyone, impossible to shake.

We are delighted to see Daphne du Maurier’s iconic novel, Rebecca, on this list.  We love how often Daphne du Maurier’s books are selected for the various lists that are published, encouraging people to try different titles.  It confirms how relevant her books still are today and how much loved she continues to be as a writer.

To read more, please click on this link to the article

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