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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

The Fowey Festival of Arts and Literature Calendar 2025

Fowey Festival calendar 2025

The fabulous Fowey Festival calendar 2025 is full of beautiful pictures of Fowey and the surrounding area, a lasting memory of Fowey for those of you who live further away and maybe only get to join us here during the literary festival each year.  It is also just as lovely to have on your wall if you do live locally or to give as a gift to someone.

This year thanks are extended to Mel Hicks and David Willmore for supplying the photographs.  Throughout the calendar, you will also find some key dates associated with Daphne du Maurier and her family, which were researched and provided by the Daphne du Maurier website.

This time, the calendar is A5 size and opens to A4.  It is priced at £7.00, including P&P to addresses in the UK, and is available for purchase now.  To place your order, please go to

Only a limited number of calendars have been printed, so early purchasing is advised.

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