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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Interview with Tatiana de Rosnay and Lady Tessa Montgomery available for listen online


Tatiana de Rosnay, Lady Tessa Montgomery and Dr Laura Varnam

October 5th saw the UK launch of Tatiana de Rosnay’s new biography of Daphne, Manderley Forever, at the Institut Francais in Kensington, London. Du Maurier fans will be delighted to hear that an audio recording of the event is now available to listen to online:

Tatiana was in conversation with Lady Tessa Montgomery, Daphne’s eldest daughter, and it was a wonderful opportunity to discuss Manderley Forever, the importance and legacy of Daphne’s work, and to hear some wonderful reminiscences from Tessa about her mother. We were very grateful that Tessa joined us for this very special event.

For further information about Manderley Forever and the other launch events, which took place at Blenheim Palace and Waterstones Hampstead, see the review by Dr Laura Varnam on the Book Recommendations page of the website :

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