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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Special 'Rebecca at 80' event on December 2nd in Hampstead

We are delighted to announce a very special event to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the publication of Daphne du Maurier's most famous novel Rebecca.

On 2nd December, Alfred Hitchcock's 1940 adaptation of the novel will be screened at the Hampstead Everyman Cinema in London. This will then be followed by a very special panel discussion with Rupert Tower, Daphne du Maurier's grandson and Jungian analyst; Dr Coline Covington, Jungian analyst; and Christopher Perry, Jungian analyst.

The discussion will focus on a variety of aspects of the film and novel. The event publicity states:

Du Maurier describes Rebecca as 'a study in jealousy and obsession'. As Brett Kahr, author of 'Sex and the Psyche', notes, Rebecca 'taps into something extraordinarily archaic within our minds. Unconsciously, each of us can identify with the character of the second Mrs de Winter. Each of us knows that there was somebody who preceded us, who was loved first and more. It could be an older sibling but more likely it was the parent of the opposite sex' (The Independent, 28 May 2006). Feminist writers view the story as highlighting the fear of powerful women, especially of women who assert their sexual freedom and defy the patriarchal order. Rebecca is also a film about abusive relationships and the treatment of women feels contemporaneous with the concerns of the #MeToo movement.

This will be a fascinating opportunity to explore the psychological aspects of the novel and film as well as their continued relevance in the twenty-first century. It will also be a privilege to hear from Daphne's grandson Rupert Tower. We hope that many Du Maurier fans will be able to attend.

Tickets are £20 and can be purchased online here.

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