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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

The continuing story of the Rook with a Book

Back in February we told you that Isla, the Rook with a book, would be moving from her home by the lifeboat at Berrills Yard, to the Town Quay, in March.  Of course, Covid-19 put a stop to just about everything in March, but during the last week, there has been some exciting activity taking place on Fowey Town Quay.

The Thrussells hard at work

To remind you of the story of the Rook with the Book so far, father and son team Gary and Thomas Thrussell, of Thrussells sculptures, ( created this magnificent bird.  They installed her at Berril's Yard in the spring of 2018, and the agreement was that she would be in situ for two years only unless the town raised the purchase price.  The two years was up in May, but sadly the cost of this iconic sculpture was just too expensive for Fowey in these difficult times.  After some negotiations, the Thrussells have very kindly agreed to keep their sculpture in Fowey, and the Town Council generously gave their permission for its relocation on to Town Quay.  When the commercial benefits of the new location were discussed, it was agreed that the sculpture being on Town Quay would be beneficial to both Thrussells and Fowey.  So, thankfully, the Rook with the Book will continue to be part of Fowey, and no doubt will feature in many photo opportunities. 

To have a beautiful art installation now located in such a central part of the town will be incredibly special for Fowey enhancing the links with Daphne du Maurier and the Town. 

We extend huge thanks to Thrussells for this generous and kind act.

Even the plinth is a beautiful creation, just wait until the Rook arrives

The new plinth, which has been created and paid for by Thrussells, is beautiful and designed to allow water to flow through it, in the event of a high tide!

A June morning on Fowey Town Quay and not a person in sight

The sculpture is being moved next Thursday and will bring you pictures of the Rook with the Book in her new location soon.

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