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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

ITV West Country News comes to Fowey to talk about the new Netflix adaptation of Rebecca

Recently, ITV West Country asked my friend, colleague and du Maurier expert Lynn Goold, and I to take part in a news item about Daphne du Maurier and the new adaptation of Rebecca which will be streamed on Netflix on 21st October.  We were delighted to take part and met up with Grace Pascoe, Cornwall Correspondent for ITV News West Country, on a rainy day in late September. 

Lynn and Grace walked to Polridmouth, the beautiful but isolated beach, that is the place in the novel, where Rebecca’s boat Je Reviens, is discovered with Rebecca lying on the cabin floor.  They talked about the novel, its location, the importance of the area they were walking in, and how scary some of the book is.

The day we filmed was chilly and windy, but bright and sunny, a perfect Daphne du Maurier day, one that she would have been able to describe for us so beautifully, she was great at writing about weather.  I met Grace, and her camera and sound man, at Caffa Mill, with the glorious background of the River Fowey, the car ferry plying back and forth and, of course, Ferryside, the du Maurier family home, just across the river from where we stood.  We talked about Daphne du Maurier’s timeless novel Rebecca and the importance of a new film of the book for a 21st-century audience.  Rebecca is a story that travels through time and never loses anything in the telling.  For lovers of this novel, it will be fascinating to see what the new film brings to all of us.

This news item was broadcast on Tuesday 6th October at 6pm. 

Click here for the associated article on the ITV website:

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