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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Ned Browning shares with us his alternative theme for Rebecca

Daphne du Maurier’s grandson Ned Browning had just made available to us all, a piece of music he created at the time that the recent Netflix adaptation of Rebecca was being filmed.
He decided he would have a go at an alternative theme for the new Rebecca movie.  He started it before he actually saw the remake which he was expecting to be a little darker than it was, especially because Ben Wheatley was directing.

Ned told me that he pictures Maxim and his new bride, driving along the road on the approach to Manderley for the first time, it would be late afternoon, with a storm coming in, she feels excited, apprehensive, and like a fish out of water!

When he saw the film, he decided his music was much more gothic than the new adaptation.

I love the fact that you are aware that the sea is close by as they drive along.

A last word from Ned.  He said he hopes you like it, but to let him know if you don’t!

We would love you to do that via our Facebook page, please.

Click here to hear Ned’s music:

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