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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Fowey Festival Photographic Competition – Wall Calendar 2023 reminder

A reminder for everyone who wants to participate in the Fowey Festival Photographic Competition. 

The closing date is Monday 28th March, so you have just three weeks to send in your entries.

The winning photographs will appear in the Fowey Festival wall calendar for 2023. 

The theme of the competition is Literary Landscapes.  You can send in a photograph of a scene that reminds you of a passage in one of your favourite novels, the image of the home of your favourite author, or anything else which meets the description of Literary Landscapes.  Here in Fowey, we have many locations that remind us of Daphne du Maurier’s work, but wherever you are in the UK, or indeed across the world, you are sure to have a special place that reminds you of your favourite book or writer. 

The twelve winning photographs will be on display at the Fowey Festival in May, and you will have the opportunity to vote for the image that you would like to take first place and appear on the cover of the calendar as well as inside.  The photographer of the image chosen for the front cover will receive a prize of £100.  There is also a prize of £25 each for the other eleven photographers.  In addition, all twelve winning entrants will receive a copy of the 2023 Festival wall calendar, and the photographs will be promoted individually through the Festival’s social media channels.

All photographs must be the photographer’s own work.

Do join in.  We look forward to seeing your photographs.  For more details and how to enter, please click here:

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