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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Daphne du Maurier Society of North America – Call for Speakers 2023/24

The Daphne du Maurier Society of North America is calling for speakers for their 2023 and 2024 events.

In 2023 the society will be studying Daphne du Maurier’s novel The House on the Strand and her short story The Breakthrough.  With these two stories as examples, they will be looking at the consequence of experiments, a fascinating subject that is certain to lead to much discussion.

In 2024 the focus will be on Daphne’s novel The King’s General and the short story The Blue Lenses.  The society will look at these stories from a woman’s point of view, which will again be an excellent subject for group discussion.

If you are interested in speaking to the society about any of Daphne du Maurier’s works or her life, please get in touch with Society president Shirley Kinney at

The society would also be pleased to hear from you if you have a favourite du Maurier story that you would like considered for future study.

You can read more about the Daphne du Maurier Society of North America, here

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