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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Changes to the Fowey Festival Programme - Friday 13th May

It is pretty remarkable that the wonderful people behind the organisation of the Fowey Festival have managed to pull such a great festival out of the bag for us all to enjoy.  There will always be the unexpected cancellation because a speaker has an unexpected crisis or becomes ill but add Covid to that, and it is bound to impact a week such as our festival week.  So, today you need to know about some small changes that are taking place, just because of unavoidable problems with illness or personal crisis with some of our lovely guest speakers.

As we have already mentioned, Julia Grigg cannot present her event, We Shall All Be Changed with Kim Hicks.  Thankfully Bert Biscoe is stepping in, so the event, which is on behalf of the Q Fund, will still go ahead in the Town Hall at 2pm this afternoon (13th May), all be it in a slightly different format.

Ella Westland, Helen Taylor and Helen Doe

Sadly, John Hudson has also needed to pull out.  His event was to be How to Survive.  However, we are delighted to be able to tell you that three very popular festival regulars will be putting on an event instead.  They are Ella Westland, Helen Taylor and Helen Doe, and their talk will be A Trio of du Maurier Voices.  This will replace John's event and take place in the Town Hall at 6pm today (13th May).  They will discuss their personal connection with the festival and with Daphne du Maurier's life and work.  This is undoubtedly an unexpected treat, so do come along this afternoon.

For details on times and locations of events and to book tickets for this or any festival event, please click here. 

You can also buy your tickets from the Fowey Festival box office in the Royal Fowey Yacht Club from 9.30am – 6.00pm throughout the festival

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