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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Fowey Festival Online Winter Auction - Centenary Magazine article, a fascinating piece of ephemera

The fascinating piece of ephemera that we are telling you about today is a seven-page illustrated article from the Sunday Times Magazine, 15th April 2007, to celebrate the centenary of Daphne du Maurier's birth on 13th May 2007.  The article includes the short story And His Letters Grew Colder, which had just been rediscovered after 75 years.

An image of one of the seven pages of a Sunday Times Magazine article about Daphne du Maurier

And His Letters Grew Colder was published in the US magazine Hearst combined with Cosmopolitan Inc, New York, in September 1931.  It was also published in the UK in Pall Mall Magazine in December 1931, with the title A Symphony on Paper.  By April 2007, the story had never been published in book form.  However, since its rediscovery, it has been published in both The Daphne du Maurier Companion, edited by Helen Taylor, published by Virago Press in May 2007 and The Doll: Short Stories, published by Virago Press in 2011.

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