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Topic (4 Responses)Posted
Story about actress playing Viola
I recall a story--either a long short story or a novel, condensed--by du Maurier, published in an American women's magazine; its central character is a young actress about to play Viola in "Twefth Night." Her preparation for the role brings unexpected and disturbing consequences as she meets an old friend of her recently deceased father. I've not been able to identify the story or to find it again, however. Does this description ring a bell? --Melissa
Tue 18/07/17 11:10 AM


The short story in question is called ' A Border-Line Case.'

Posted on Fri 21/07/17 06:55 PM


Hi Melissa, The short story is A Borderline Case included in Not After Midnight and Don't Look Now Collections. Best Collin

Posted on Sat 22/07/17 09:16 PM


Hello Melissa, The story you are recalling is 'A Borderline Case' and it features in the story collection 'Don't Look Now and other stories' (originally published as 'Not After Midnight: Five Long Stories' in 1971). best wishes Laura Varnam

Posted on Tue 25/07/17 04:31 PM


I have just finished reading this story and quite frankly, after raking my brain, I haven't got a clue as to its meaning. I would welcome an enlightenment.

Posted on Thu 16/01/20 08:34 PM

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