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Who She Was and First Wife's Shadow - Book recommendations for August 2024

Who She Was front cover

An image of the front cover of the new paperback edition of Who She Was by Tony Parsons

Today, we bring you news of two new books for your summer holiday reading: Who She Was by Tony Parsons and First Wife's Shadow by Adele Parks.  We have chosen these titles because they are both great reads and books that, once you start reading, you won't be able to put down.  They are also books with a link to Daphne du Maurier.

First Wife's Shadow front cover

An image of the front cover of the brand new hardback edition of First Wife's Shadow by Adele Parks

Who She Was is a great story set in Cornwall, with twists and turns in the plot that will leave you breathless.  It has a definite feel of Daphne's Cornwall within it; it also has plenty of references to Daphne's Cornish books and their locations.  First Wife's Shadow is, in many ways, a retelling of Rebecca, but it is also so much more because it is an excellent story in its own right.  The two strands entwine themselves and create a fabulous and thought-provoking whole.

To read more about these books, please go to the Book Recommendations section of the Daphne du Maurier website here:

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