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The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

Fowey Festival News
Archive for 2016

Become a Friend of the Festival

Become a Friend of the Festival

The Fowey Festival Friends and Patrons scheme of former years has been updated and you can now help to promote and support the Fowey Festival by becoming a Friend of the Festival. ... More ››

Fowey festival - 2017 dates

Fowey festival - 2017 dates

27th May 2016: We can now confirm that the dates of the next Fowey Festival of Arts and Literature will be Saturday 6th – Saturday 13th May 2017. ... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 - a review by Sam Rimington

Fowey Festival 2016 - a review by Sam Rimington

25th May 2016: It seems strange to be writing another festival report here on the 'new' website, but given how much our festival has changed, I guess we must look forward rather than to what has gone before! Although much has changed, much remains the same, not least friendships forged over many years, and a shared desire to honour the memory of Daphne du Maurier. Add to that the attractions of Fowey, which captured her imagination, and which continues to capture our imagination to this day, then we have a winning recipe!... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 – round up

Fowey Festival 2016 – round up

18th May 2016: Everyone agrees that the 2016 Fowey Festival of Arts and Literature has been a huge success. Brenda Daly, the festival director, produced and excellent programme with such a varied content that everyone found events that they could enjoy. Many people have said that it was the best festival yet and it was noticeable that more local people attended events this year than ever before. This is really important because it is a festival for the people of Fowey as well as for all the visitors that it brings into the town. ... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 - a great beginning

Fowey Festival 2016 - a great beginning

8th May 2016: On Friday the sun was shining in Fowey (well some of the time) and there was a real buzz as local people, regular festival visitors and people attending the Fowey Festival of Art and Literature for the first time began to arrive in Fowey to enjoy the start of the 2016 festival. The festival began at 7.30pm with Lord Waldegrave giving a talk about his life as a politician. The event, which took place in Fowey Town Hall, was very well received and a great start to this year’s events. ... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 – it’s nearly time

Fowey Festival 2016 – it’s nearly time

There is an interesting and varied programme of events taking place at the Fowey Festival of Arts and Literature this year. The festival begins on the evening of 6th May and there are still tickets available for many of the events including several relating to Daphne du Maurier. ... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 - Booking your tickets

Fowey Festival 2016 - Booking your tickets

The programme for the 2016 Fowey Festival of Arts and Literature is now available. It can be viewed on line at the du Maurier Festival website and copies are being mailed out to everyone who asked for a hard copy. Friends and Patrons can book their tickets from Friday 18th March. The booking office opens for everyone else on Friday 25th March. ... More ››

Fowey Festival 2016 - Booking your tickets

Friends and Patrons of Fowey Festival 2016

Friends and Patrons of Fowey Festival 2016

Programme planning for the Fowey Festival 2016 is under way and we would like to give you the opportunity to become a Friend or Patron of this year’s Festival. You can join by going to the link below and clicking on the Donate with Just Giving button; you can also download a form from the bottom of that page. ... More ››

Fowey Festival Friends and Patrons

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